Saturday, March 6, 2010

What is sleep?

Today was good, last night on the other hand wasn't. I have never in my life had a night like I did last night. I don't know what is wrong. Keagan was up till 4:30. He would maybe sleep for about 20 to 30 minutes, then start screaming again. And when he was asleep Bryton was awake. In the past 60 hours I have had a total of 6 hours of sleep. That is not normal. I knew my kids were killing me slowly. I had someone comment that I should try to stop naps all together. The thought of that freaks me out, but maybe that is just what I need to do. He is already super cranky, and I don't think he could get worse. But maybe it will help him go to sleep and stay asleep at night. I don't know why he has started acting this way. He started it about 2 weeks ago. It is out of the blue, and putting a huge strain on my daily life.

On the plus side, the weather was beautiful today and we played out side for a few hours. I am really hoping that the weather can stay this way. It is so nice so get out and see the sun for a little bit.

Non of my cleaning got done this week, because I can't even see straight. Hopefully tomorrow I can get a little bit done. I really need clothes. My laundry is so backed up, I hate laundry!!! It is the worst chore to do. Anyone have any tips on how to make cleaning fun? I really need to buy a CD player. I remember as a little girl my Mom would tell me to put on some good music to listen to while I clean. I need to do that, I think that would help. But I need to get a CD player first. I would do it on my laptop, but my speakers suck. :(

Chuck leaves on Monday for 8 days, and I think that when he is going I might go insane. So please call me and keep me company. I will need some adult interaction.

Good night moon, I need some sleep before I start day 7.