Friday, March 19, 2010


I ran/walked another 3 miles today. Go me!!!  I was able to run a little longer today, but man... I have a long way to go. Hopefully I will be able to run the whole way without slowing before summer is over.

Keagan was a grump today. I don't know what it was, but he wasn't happy. We went to the museum, a park, and then the run. So you would think he would have been happy, but nope. He was getting into trouble right and left.

While we were at the park, there was a couple other Mom's with their kids hanging out. There were two sitting right next to Rachel and I, and one of their sons threw sand at another kid. And instead of explaining that isn't nice, and having them apologize, and maybe sitting in a time out. She yelled at him, ran over and grabbed him, and forced to him sit on her lap while restating him. He was freaking out. (He was maybe 2) She kept telling him he is "nuts, and crazy for doing that" I kind of sat there in shock. Yeah, I have gotten mad at Keagan, yeah, I have yelled at him, yeah, I have held his arms down. But she was over the top. I really wanted to tell her; look if you talk to your kid in a calm voice and explain what he is doing wrong, he will listen. That is one of the big things I have learned. The more calm you are, the more calm your kids will be. And holding his legs, arms, and head down is just going to make them want out and scream and kick to try to get away. I don't know what she was trying to accomplish. He also tried to talk to her and she just told him to "be quiet!" She wouldn't even listen to what he was trying to say. It made me really sad. Another thing that really scared me, she threatened him by saying, "Do you want me to call your father?" And he would try to stop crying, and that just made me think that he is terrified of him. And I don't think ANY kid should be scared of their parents.

It just made me want to push even harder to become a better Mom, I don't want people looking at me like I looked at that lady. I really felt bad for her child. She is missing out on an amazing relationship. Keagan and I have become better friends, and I am loving it!!

I am off to sleep, I have another 3 miles waiting for me tomorrow!!!

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